Friday 19 August 2011

Advice from bags??

This morning I picked up my dad, and we conquered a local grocery store. I brought along my own bags, the reusable ones. They're strong, roomy, reliable and have a great sense of humor.
A Lululemon bag was along for the ride, and on one side it says "Do one thing a day that scares you.", which sounds like questionable advice. (It also says "Children are the orgasm of life" but I don't know about that, I'd like to hear the explanation behind that one...) There are many things that scare me and most of these things scare me because they are deadly. Like swimming with sharks, rusty zip-lines rigged to the side of cracking buildings in third world countries, and eating under cooked chicken.

See what I mean? A little scary.

So while I will not be taking that particular piece of advice, I will probably take this one: "Listen, listen, listen and then ask strategic questions." So the next time I hear my daughter whimpering and crying, I will listen, I will ask if it is bed time (how strategic of me), she will say "yes", and I will say "score". Then I will watch 6 episodes of Heartland do the dishes, clean up toys and hang up laundry. It's a win-win situation.
Welcome to Dorothy Blogging. This is going to be fun.


  1. You could totally write a book if you wanted to, you're so witty, tee hee and I totally know what you mean about lulu lemon bags, sketchy advice, plus I also love heart land :)

  2. No joke, I totally was thinking to myself this morning, "Why doesn't dorothy have a blog? Dorothy should have a blog."
    So now I'm thinking "Why doesn't Laura have some nice Frye boots? Laura should have some nice Frye boots."
