Wednesday 1 August 2012

Good remembering.

Hey friends! I know, it's been a long time. I don't have any excuses. Not any that are worth trying out anyways. *hangs head in shame*
Having kids around leaves you saying things you never thought you'd ever say. Ever. Such as: "Stop dipping your band-aid in your ketchup", and "for the last time, drowning is not fun, I promise, so stop asking!", and my favorite, "don't put that in your mouth, you just wiped your bum with it!".
Lately S has been noticing the differences between boys and girls. Especially now that she has a little brother.His name is Adam, everyone say "Hi Adam". So I've been teaching her the real words for her private regions. Although, her pointing out his regions and calling it a "funny wiggly bum" is pretty hilarious.
Today she nicely told me that "Dad has a peas, and you have a va-giant". I tried to feel offended, but her big brown eyes and proud look on her face were just too much for me.
You got it kiddo, good remembering.